Case Studies

The Problem In 2004, Faxton Hospital and St. Luke's-Memorial Hospital merged. The leaders of the new system were concerned about integrating the clinical cultures of two formerly independent hospitals while improving staff morale. That year, only 2 percent of respondents to the company's employee…
The ProblemAlthough Fairfield Medical Center had a fairly low rate of pressure ulcers, officials believed the incidence could be reduced further to improve patient care and prepare for Medicare's decision to stop reimbursing for hospital-acquired Stage III and IV pressure ulcers as of October…
The Problem When the performance improvement team began to take stock of the situation in Advocate South Suburban's ED, they found some dismal metrics. Patients waited more than six hours for treatment, with nearly six percent leaving without treatment. Additionally, patient satisfaction…
The Problem Incorrect patient identification through the registration process increases the potential for patient harm in the short term, with long-term downstream effects that include increased financial liability, diminished reputation and decreased physician loyalty and associate satisfaction.
A Patient-centered, Performance-driven Approach to Managing Psychiatric Patients in the Emergency Department Maine Medical Center and Spring Harbor Hospital, Greater Portland, ME Summary
Ventilator associated pneumonia are infections that occur in ventilator tubes and account for 15 percent of health care-acquired infections, according to the CDC. Many of these infections can be prevented with certain quality improvements in patient care including oral hygiene, ventilator tubing…