Amicus Brief

The AHA weighs in on a number of issues of importance to hospitals and health systems, as well as the patients they care for, as they come before the court. Below are our most recent friend-of-the-court briefs.

Amicus Brief: AHA, Electronic Health Record Association In Support of PointClickCare Technologies, Inc, re: information blocking and health information IT.
The American Hospital Association, 340B Health, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (collectively, the “Proposed Amici”) respectfully move this Court for leave to file the attached amicus curiae brief in support of Defendants Attorney General Andrew Bailey, President of the…
The AHA, joined by five other national hospital associations, filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to correct the Department of Health and Human Services’ misinterpretation of the formula set by Congress to calculate Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, which includes a…
Amicus Brief, AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Challenging Reviewability of Certain CMS Determinations
While the AHA respects the FTC’s efforts to address issues of genuine unequal bargaining power between certain employers and certain types of workers, the FTC proposed non-compete rule would profoundly transform the health care labor market – particularly for physicians and senior hospital…
AHA et al Amicus Brief to Prevent Injunction Against 340B Pricing for Contract Pharmacy Arrangements in Novartis v. Morrissey Litigation
The AHA, Association of American Medical Colleges and America’s Essential Hospitals, friend-of-the-court brief in a Supreme Court case.