The Value Initiative

Hospitals are driving value in their communities. Affordable health care is one of the biggest concerns facing families, employers and government, and America’s hospitals are tackling the challenge head on. Through AHA’s The Value Initiative, we are leading the health care field on the issues of affordability and value.

The Members in Action series highlights how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value-based strategies to improve health care affordability. This includes the work described below to improve quality and outcomes.
The Members in Action series highlights how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value-based strategies to improve health care affordability. This includes the work described below to manage risk and new payment models.
The Members in Action series highlights how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value-based strategies to improve health care affordability. This includes the work described below to redesign the delivery system.
The Value Initiative provides thought leadership on the issue of affordability to hospital and health system leaders while also serving as a forum for knowledge exchange.
Hospitals are driving value and affordability through redesigning the delivery system, managing risk and new payment models, improving quality and outcomes, and implementing operational solutions.
Only national security ranked higher among overall concerns, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted during the 2016 presidential campaign.1 Results of the December 2015 poll showed 62 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of Democrats were concerned about the position of the presidential…
This series will share diverse - and sometimes provocative - viewpoints on affordability from top thought leaders from inside and outside of health care. As such, opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the policy of the American Hospital Association.