Rural issues

The 2024 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, February 11-14 in Orlando, will gather more than 1,000 rural health leaders committed to advancing rural health and providing quality care for patients and communities. The conference will feature top rural practitioners sharing actionable…
The Federal Communications Commission Dec. 12 rejected an application by Starlink for nearly $900 million in Rural Digital Opportunity Funds to bring broadband services to rural locations, including health care facilities, concluding the application failed to demonstrate the company could deliver…
Sean Fadale, president and CEO of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home in Gloversville, N.Y., will serve as 2024 chair of the AHA Rural Health Services Committee.
In a new location for 2024, the 37th Annual AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, will be held Feb. 11-14 in Orlando, Fla. The conference brings together senior executives, physician leaders, trustees and nurse executives from the nation's leading rural hospitals and health systems to share…
AHA Executive Vice President Michelle Hood previews the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference — one of AHA's flagship events — which will be held Feb. 11-14 in Orlando, Fla.
AHA Nov. 27 applauded the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act (H.R. 6430), legislation that would extend for five additional years the Medicare-dependent Hospital program and enhanced low-volume Medicare adjustment.
November 27, 2023 The Honorable Carol Miller U. S. House of Representatives 465 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Terri Sewell U. S. House of Representatives 1035 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representatives Miller and Sewell:
Laura Appel, executive vice president of the Michigan Health and Hospital Association, and Christina Campos, CEO at Guadalupe County Hospital, New Mexico, discuss what’s involved in converting to and meeting the eligibility requirements of a Rural Emergency Hospital, and what patients stand to gain…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov. 2 released its calendar year (CY) 2024 outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) and ambulatory surgical center (ASC) final rule. It increases OPPS rates by a net 3.1% in CY 2024 compared to CY 2023 and includes final policies regarding…
Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs) officially became a new type of care provider on January 1, 2023.