Quality & Patient Safety

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week issued recommendations for diagnosing and managing patients who may be infected with a Shigella strain less susceptible to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin. Shigella bacteria can cause Shigellosis, a diarrheal disease that should be reported…
Safety-net hospitals had larger average penalties than non-safety net hospitals under the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program in fiscal year 2013, but that difference had disappeared by 2016, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Press Release Kris Doody, RN to Receive AHA Board of Trustees Award The American Hospital Association (AHA) today announced that Kris Doody, RN, CEO of Cary Medical Center in Caribou, Maine will be awarded its 2017 Board of Trustees Award. The award is presented to individuals or groups who have…
Press Release James N. Weinstein to Receive AHA Justin Ford Kimball Innovators Award The American Hospital Association (AHA) today announced that the Justin Ford Kimball Innovators Award will be awarded to James N. Weinstein, DO, MS, CEO and president, Dartmouth-Hitchcock health system based in…
Hospitals participating in certain voluntary valued-based reforms have reduced their readmissions more than hospitals participating in only the mandatory Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, according to a study reported today in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Press Release The American Hospital Association Joins ABMS Multi-Speciality Portfolio Program The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has announced that the American Hospital Association (AHA) has joined the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio ProgramTM (Portfolio Program).
Beginning today through May 5, hospitals participating in the inpatient, outpatient and prospective payment system-exempt cancer hospital quality reporting programs can preview their overall hospital quality star rating and other quality data to be added to the Hospital Compare website in July…
It takes a team to run a hospital. But if you ask a patient who they interacted with the most, they’ll probably say a nurse. Nurses are on the front lines of medical care in hospitals, health clinics, schools, assisted living facilities and home health care. They are often the voice of the patient…