Price Transparency

Hospitals and health systems are committed to empowering patients and their families with all the information they need to live their healthiest lives. This includes ensuring they have access to accurate and timely price information when seeking care. Hospitals and health systems have made important progress in adopting federal price transparency requirements that require they both publicly post machine-readable files of a wide range of rate information and provide more consumer-friendly displays of pricing information for at least 300 shoppable services.

Government’s Reply Brief in Disclosure of Negotiated Charges Lawsuit March 24, 2020
The AHA, joined by three other national organizations representing hospitals and health systems, filed a reply brief in their lawsuit challenging a 2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services final rule mandating that hospitals disclose their privately negotiated rates with commercial health…
AHA reply brief in case to prevent disclosure of negotiated contracts (Feb. 28, 2020).
Amicus Brief of 37 State Hospital Associations in Support of Plaintiffs’ motion for a summary judgment (February 28, 2020).
US Chamber of Commerce files amicus brief supporting legal challenge to rule requiring disclosure of negotiated charges (Feb. 28. 2020).
Overall Talking Points on Surprise Billing Solutions: Patients should be protected from surprise bills. They should not be balance billed for emergency services or for out-of-network services obtained in any in network facility when they reasonably could have assumed that the providers were in-…
Government moves for summary judgement in disclosure of negotiated charges lawsuit.
The AHA urged the administration to abandon a proposal that would require health plans to publicly release all of their negotiated rates, saying the policy would “lead to widespread confusion among patients, even greater consolidation in the commercial health insurance industry and other negative…
AHA comments to CMS on the transparency in coverage proposed rule. The AHA appreciates the Departments of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services’ (collectively, the departments) effort to increase the availability of useful information for patients, specifically, the proposal to improve…