Post-Acute Care


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Additionally, AHA hosts monthly calls to discuss post-acute care issues. Visit our calendar of upcoming calls to register.

During this presentation, learn how one health system created a high-performing post-acute network by obtaining live patient data to implement standardized care pathways, improve care transitions, better manage patient outcomes and ultimately reduce total costs within their post-acute network.
AHA raises “substantial concerns” with the prototype payment model that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, and RTI International are developing for the new unified post-acute care prospective…
Resources from the Washington Update, Review of CY 2022 Home Health Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule, and other PAC News, held July 20, 2021. Listen to the call and view the presentation and Regulatory Advisory below.  Listen to the Washington Update Call Here…
Post-Acute care member call that covered a preview of CY 2022 Home Health PPS Proposed Rule, and other PAC news held on June 22, 2021.
Member Call: CMS RFI on Health Equity - May 11, 2021
Resources from the Post-Acute Care member call, April 27, 2021.
Long-term care hospitals, or LTCHs, and the other three post-acute care settings have been central to our recovery from COVID-19. The pandemic has particularly highlighted the distinct clinical competencies of LTCHs.
Post-acute Care Update Call, April 27, 2021, audio.
In a letter to Representatives Terri Sewell and Vern Buchanan the AHA expresses support of the Resetting the Impact Act (TRIA) of 2021.
The House of Representatives Feb. 27 approved the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, legislation to provide reconciliation protection for a roughly $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.