Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)

In this podcast, AJ Rolle, Senior Program Manager at the AHA, moderates a discussion between Marc Berejka, Director of Government & Community Affairs at REI, and Bill Burke, CEO of Merit Solutions, on how their organizations are contributing to AHA’s 100 Million Mask Challenge through…
Health care coverage is eroding for many Americans as some health insurers are restricting access to services through administrative barriers and inappropriately withholding reimbursement from providers. The American Hospital Association released this white paper to examine a number of these…
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looks at an outbreak of Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB), an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, at a New Jersey hospital managing resource shortages during a surge in COVID-19 patients.
In an open letter to the American public, the AHA, along with the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association, affirmed their support for vaccines as a critical means for protecting individuals, communities and loved ones from COVID-19.
A bipartisan group in the Senate introduced a $908 billion proposal aimed at breaking the stalemate over more COVID-19 relief.
In an open letter to the American public, the AHA, along with the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association, today affirmed their support for vaccines as a critical means for protecting individuals, communities and loved ones from COVID-19, the worst global health crisis in…
As COVID-19 vaccine development continues to progress, leading U.S. medical, nursing and health organizations today affirmed their commitment to ensuring COVID-19 vaccines are evaluated and ultimately authorized through a rigorous scientific and regulatory process.
During the pandemic, health systems were pushed to transform their digital strategies quickly to meet the needs of their patients and communities.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov. 25 announced several flexibilities aimed at allowing health care services to be provided outside of a hospital setting in response to the surging COVID-19 pandemic.
Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and sprinting to the finish line to complete its end-of-the-year work during the “lame-duck” session. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.