
As our country works to expand health coverage and improve access to care, “Medicare for All” is getting a lot of attention. There are many different flavors so it’s worth diving a little deeper into what “Medicare for All” really means. A new report released on Tuesday shows exactly what one…
Legislative proposals for a Medicare public option could negatively affect patient access to care and significantly reduce payments to hospitals, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels said during a panel discussion today at America’s Health Insurance Plans’ National Health Policy Conference in…
The AHA released new tools to help the field prepare for appropriate use criteria reporting requirements that will start to go into effect on a voluntary basis this year and become mandatory in 2021.
The Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish a program that promotes AUC for advanced diagnostic imaging. AUC are evidence-based criteria that assist professionals who order and furnish certain imaging services to make the…
The Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish a program that promotes AUC for advanced diagnostic imaging.
Creating a government-run, Medicare-like option on the individual health insurance exchanges could negatively affect patient access to care and reduce hospital payments by nearly $800 billion over 10 years.
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget request for the Department of Health and Human Services.
President Trump today submitted to Congress his budget request for fiscal year (FY) 2020. The budget request, which is not binding, proposes hundreds of billions of dollars in reductions to Medicare and Medicaid over 10 years. The budget request also contains a number of provisions related to drug…
President Trump today submitted to Congress his budget request for fiscal year 2020.
The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) released a new report that details the impact that a Medicare public option proposal could have on the ability of hospitals and health systems to continue to provide access to high-quality care to their patients…