
Offering a government insurance program reimbursing at Medicare rates as a public option on the health insurance exchanges could place as many as 55% of rural hospitals.
On July 11, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued its calendar year 2020 proposed rule for the home health prospective payment system.
Medicare fee-for-service providers can sign up to participate in a pilot program allow clinicians to access a patient’s Medicare claims data for treatment purposes without logging into a separate application.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday projected that the average basic premium for a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan will decline from $32.50 in 2019 to $30 in 2020.
Medicare Administrative Contractors should begin accepting modifier codes for appropriate use criteria on Medicare claims for advanced diagnostic imaging on Jan. 1.
The AHA, AAMC and FAH agree with the Committee’s goal of reducing the price of drugs, and applaud many of the steps outlined in the description of the Chairman’s Mark of the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act (PDPRA) of 2019. However, have serious concerns regarding the provisions that…
The Department of Health and Human Services as of July 1 has reduced by nearly 20% its backlog of Medicare appeals at the Administrative Law Judge level, according to a status report the agency recently provided to a federal court.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) July 10 issued a proposed rule that would establish a new alternative payment model (APM) for radiation oncology (RO) services delivered to Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. The RO model would test whether prospective, bundled…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) July 10 announced five new CMMI payment models aimed at transforming kidney care so that patients with chronic kidney disease have access to high-quality, coordinated care. The proposed End-…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last week issued a memo to state survey agency directors providing a frequently asked questions document to address common inquiries from psychiatric hospitals regarding compliance with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.