
AHA urges CMS to reconsider its recent guidance to providers requiring them to document Medicare-Medicaid “crossover” bad debt in a manner that is neither standard practice for most hospitals nor consistent with current accounting standards.
Less than 1% of the net electronic health record incentive payments Medicare paid to acute-care hospitals between Jan. 1, 2013 and Sept. 30, 2017 did not meet federal requirements.
By proposing a new safe harbor for patient engagement tools and creating three new safe harbors for value-based arrangements, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General has taken “the first steps toward much needed reform” of the federal anti-kickback statute and civil…
The AHA applauded “the new direction” the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is taking to modify, modernize and clarify the physician self-referral law, also known as the Stark Law, to “provide space for the types of innovative arrangements among hospitals and physicians that can enhance…
The House of Representatives today voted 230-192 to approve the Lower Prescription Drug Costs Now Act.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission late yesterday discussed draft 2021 payment recommendations for Congress.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today discussed two possible proposals to increase payment rates for hospital inpatient and outpatient services, which the panel will consider again before voting on them in January.
The American Hospital Association's comments on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) discussions on consolidation within the health care field as well as graduate medical education. As the Commission continues its deliberations, the AHA shares observations related to…
CMS is accepting applications to participate in the Primary Care Initiative’s professional and global direct contracting options in calendar year 2020.