
Federal Register
An AHA issue paper on Medicare & Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractors \(RACs\).
A summary of the report, Limiting Federal Spending as a Proportion of Total Gross Domestic Product \(GDP\), prepared by The Lewin Group
Case Study: Variations on the "Commitment to American Prosperity Act (CAP)"
Case Study: Variations on the "Commitment to American Prosperity Act (CAP)"
This Regulatory Advisory examines CMS' May 4 proposed rule to revise the Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation \(CoP\) to require hospitals of all types to offer all inpatients and outpatients an annual influenza vaccination unless vaccination is medically contraindicated or the patient…
AHA Comments on FTC and DOJ Proposed Statement of Antitrust Enforcement Policy Re: Accountable Care Organizations.
On April 29, the CMS released a final regulation for the new hospital value-based purchasing \(VBP\) program. The final rule, which affects inpatient prospective payment system \(PPS\) hospitals was published in the May 6 Federal Register. Major provisions of the rule are described in this advisory…
This Regulatory Advisory provides a summary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) final rule revising the conditions of participation \(CoPs\) for hospitals and critical access hospitals \(CAHs\) regarding the credentialing and privileging for physicians and practitioners…
On March 31, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) released the much-anticipated proposed regulation for the Medicare Shared Savings Program, which encourages the voluntary formation of accountable care organizations \(ACOs\).