
The AHA last week criticized as “misdirected” and a blow to patient care the Medicare Payment Assessment Commission’s (MedPAC) recommendation that Congress reduce Part B drug payment rates to hospitals participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. At its Jan. 14 meeting, the commission voted 14…
Our fragmented health care system is rapidly transforming into a more integrated delivery system where providers need to work together more closely to provide the best and most appropriate care. An important part of the equation is post-acute care providers. Emerging innovations in post-acute care…
The AHA today urged the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to withdraw its draft recommendation to reduce Part B drug payment rates to hospitals participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. “This recommendation is outside of the scope of MedPAC’s mission, lacks a clear purpose and penalizes…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced 121 new Medicare Accountable Care Organization participants, including 21 that will begin participating this year in a new Next Generation ACO model.
Outpatient PPS – Calendar Year 2022 Rules: 2022 Calendar Year Proposed Rule: HPA Spreadsheet Comparisons and Lookup Tool | AHA Statement
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) late last night unveiled a $1.1 trillion spending package to fund the government for the remainder of fiscal year 2016.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Nov. 16 finalized a new payment model that will bundle payment to acute care hospitals for hip and knee replacement surgery.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday released preliminary estimates underlying Medicare Advantage rates for 2017. According to CMS’s analysis, the Medicare fee-for-service baseline rate will increase by 3.1% in 2017. The FFS baseline measures traditional Medicare spending…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Nov. 6 published the end-stage renal disease prospective payment system final rule for calendar year 2016.