
In this podcast, the AHA's Bharath Krishnamurthy, director of Health Analytics and Policy, explores what the imbalance between the skyrocketing cost of drugs, supplies and labor and the continued underpayments from government payers means for patient care with Dr. Anthony Coleman, President and…
Hospitals and health systems are facing many significant challenges, including historic workforce shortages, soaring costs of providing care, cracks in the supply chain, severe underpayment by Medicare and Medicaid, and overwhelming regulatory and administrative burdens, just to name a few. These…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its standards for qualified health plans offered through the health insurance marketplaces for 2024. CMS finalized with limited exceptions its proposal to require all plans (regardless of marketplace type) to comply with network adequacy and…
The Department of Health and Human Services plans this month to propose amending the definition of “lawful presence” for purposes of Medicaid and Affordable Care Act coverage to allow undocumented immigrants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as “Dreamers,” to apply…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Friday approved state plan amendments allowing Arizona to extend postpartum coverage from 60 days to 12 months after pregnancy for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program enrollees under the American Rescue Plan Act.
Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program are facing the most significant coverage challenge since the passage of the Affordable Care Act 13 years ago.
As the COVID-19 public health emergency’s continuous coverage requirement ends and states redetermine eligibility for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program enrollees, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights yesterday reminded state health officials of their…
THE CHALLENGE Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are facing the most significant coverage challenge in more than a decade. The unwinding of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) will require states to resume normal eligibility redeterminations operations for the first…
Data from the health care consulting firm Dobson | Davanzo, released today by the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) and the American Hospital Association (AHA), shows that physician-owned hospitals (POHs), when compared to other hospitals, treat less medically complex and more financially…
Dobson | DaVanzo recently examined select operating, financial and patient characteristics of hospitals in categories defined by hospital ownership.1 This fact sheet provides descriptive statistics for physician owned hospitals (POHs) compared to non-physician owned hospitals.