
CMS rejected a request for a Section 1115 waiver to expand Medicaid coverage for air ambulance transportation to all Wyoming residents.
A model comment letter on Proposed Rule: CMS–2393–P, Medicaid Program: Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation (Vol. 84, No. 222), November 18, 2019 and CMS-2393-N (Vol. 84, No. 249) December 30, 2019, and the infographic "Financial Impact Analysis: Proposed Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule (…
Meeting Materials Agenda and Background Memo Panelist Bios State Policy Innovations (Allied Association Materials)
States expanding Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act had a 6% lower rate of opioid overdose deaths by county after the expansion than did other states, according to a study reported Friday in JAMA Network Open.
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly has reached agreement with Senate Republicans on a bipartisan proposal to expand Medicaid eligibility to low-income uninsured adults by 2021.
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on a number of health care bills, including those that would reauthorize the AHA-supported Healthy Start program and continue Medicaid coverage for non-emergency medical transportation.
As requested by AHA, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently extended to Feb. 1 at 5 p.m. ET the comment deadline for its Medicaid fiscal accountability proposed rule.
As requested by AHA, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced it has extended until Feb. 1 the comment deadline for its Medicaid fiscal accountability proposed rule. Comments were due Jan. 16.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today selected 10 states to receive funding under the Maternal Opioid Misuse Model to help coordinate and integrate health care and other services for pregnant and postpartum Medicaid enrollees with opioid use disorders beginning in 2021.
AHA urges CMS to reconsider its recent guidance to providers requiring them to document Medicare-Medicaid “crossover” bad debt in a manner that is neither standard practice for most hospitals nor consistent with current accounting standards.