Maternal Health

Thirteen states participating in a regional collaborative to improve birth outcomes in the South decreased early elective deliveries by an average 22% between 2011 and 2014, compared with 14% in other regions.
The Joint Commission yesterday issued a safety advisory for hospitals on preventing newborn falls.
AHA’s Section for Maternal and Child Health and Hospitals Against Violence initiative will host a March 27 webinar on how hospitals and health systems can combat interpersonal violence in their communities.
Held April 3, 2018 Please join the AHA Section for Maternal and Child Health and our partners in the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) to learn of the tools and resources available to your hospital to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. AIM joins together hospitals, state…
The AHA Section for Maternal and Child Health and our partners in the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) share the tools and resources available to your hospital to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
The American Hospital Association's Section for Maternal and Child Health in partnership with our Hospitals Against Violence (HAV) initiative invite you to an upcoming webinar. Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin will provide example on how hospitals and health systems can play a leading role in their…
Early infant deaths from critical congenital heart disease decreased 33.4% between 2011 and 2013 in states with mandatory screening for the condition, according to a study reported last month in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Early infant deaths from other or unspecified cardiac…
The House of Representatives is expected to vote this evening on a continuing resolution funding the federal government through Jan. 19. The current CR expires tomorrow.
The Senate voted 51-48 early today to approve the conference report for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act after removing several provisions that did not comply with budget reconciliation rules. The House then reapproved the bill, which can now go to the president for his signature.
The AHA today urged Congress to include in year-end legislation a number of policies that impact hospitals and health systems and the patients they serve.