
Seven national hospital associations, including the AHA, recently urged stakeholders to unite behind a six-point agenda to achieve fully interoperable health data for patients and providers.
CMS has extended the deadline for hospitals participating in the Inpatient Quality Reporting and/or Promoting Interoperability Programs to submit data to receive a full payment update in fiscal year 2020.
Hospitals participating in the Inpatient Quality Reporting and/or Promoting Interoperability Programs must submit data by Feb. 28 to receive a full payment update in fiscal year 2020.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a Special Open Door Forum Feb. 26 at 2 p.m. ET on its proposed rule to promote electronic health information exchange.
Hospitals participating in the Inpatient Quality Reporting and/or Promoting Interoperability Programs must submit data for at least four electronic clinical quality measures from any quarter of calendar year 2018 through the QualityNet secure portal by Feb. 28 to receive a full payment update in…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Feb. 11 issued proposed rules that would promote patient access to health information in Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and federally facilitated…
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today proposed new rules to promote electronic health information exchange.
In a commentary published Saturday in Modern Healthcare, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and Federation of American Hospitals President and CEO Chip Kahn illustrate why it’s so important for the nation to fully achieve the secure exchange of patient health data and highlight what it will take.
Hospitals participating in the Inpatient Quality Reporting and/or Promoting Interoperability Programs must submit data for at least four electronic clinical quality measures from any quarter of calendar year 2018 through the QualityNet secure portal by Feb. 28 to receive a full payment update in…
Commenting Friday on the Office of the National Coordinator’s draft strategy to reduce regulatory and administrative burden related to health information technology and electronic health record use, AHA commended the agency for its attention to reducing excessive burden.