Hospitals Against Violence

The Joint Commission has issued an advisory on human trafficking, which offers information and resources to help medical providers recognize and support victims.
Today, we are proud to sponsor our second annual #HAVhope Day of Awareness.
The tragic events last Friday in Santa Fe, TX, remind us, violence is all too present in our communities. Our hearts go out to all those affected … students, teachers, families, friends, first responders, caregivers, clergy and more.
In a LinkedIn piece this week, Providence St. Joseph Health President and CEO Rod Hochman, M.D., a member of the AHA Board of Trustees, explains why the Renton, WA-based health system has made it a priority to help end human trafficking, including forced prostitution.
About four years ago, when the forces of gentrification and revitalization of San Francisco’s Market Street shopping district were in full swing, those in the nearby impoverished Tenderloin neighborhood felt a different kind of change.
With their mission to improve health and safety in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood, the Saint Francis Foundation and the Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership and community groups didn’t take long in early 2014 to identify one large impediment to their goals. The Big Boy Market at the…
Tenderloin residents, particularly children, face an abundance of everyday challenges. Students getting to and from school or after-school programs sometimes have to travel sidewalks crowded with drug dealers and users, the homeless and others. Kate Robinson, program director for the Tenderloin…
AHA is asking hospitals and health systems to submit photos by May 1 showing their commitment to combating violence.