Home Health

The CMS on Jan. 13 published a final rule to substantially update the conditions of participation that home health agencies must meet to participate in Medicare and Medicaid.
On Nov. 3, CMS published its calendar year (CY) 2017 final rule for the home health (HH) prospective payment system (PPS).
The CMS Oct. 31 issued the calendar year 2017 final rule for the home health prospective payment system.
On July 5, CMS published its calendar year 2017 proposed rule for the home health prospective payment system.
June 27, CMS issued the calendar year 2017 proposed rule for the home health prospective payment system.
Reps. Tom Price (R-GA) and James McGovern (D-MA) are asking their colleagues to sign a Dear Colleague letter urging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to rescind its prior authorization notice for the Medicare home health benefit. It is important that you urge your…
Bipartisan House letter urges CMS to rescind its prior authorization notice for the Medicare home health benefit.