
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has identified a new cluster of presumed Ebola cases based on preliminary laboratory results, the World Health Organization announced yesterday.
The World Health Organization today announced the end of the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Health care and public health professionals can register to attend a Sept. 19-20 workshop in Omaha, NE, on preparing for Ebola and other emerging infectious diseases, offered by the National Ebola Training and Education Center.
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday provided an update on federal preparedness and the agency’s response efforts to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today provided an update on the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo and advised health care providers in the U.S. to continue to obtain a travel history from all patients seeking care.
The U.S. Agency for International Development will contribute at least $8 million to combat the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar announced today in a speech to the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.
Health care and public health leaders, clinicians and first responders can register to attend an Aug. 7-8 workshop in Atlanta on preparing for Ebola and other emerging infectious diseases.
The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has spread from a remote area to a city of 1.2 million, the World Health Organization reported yesterday, after one case was confirmed in the city of Mbandaka.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo yesterday declared an outbreak of Ebola virus disease after laboratory results confirmed two cases, the World Health organization reports.
More than 50 organizations, including hospitals, are participating in an exercise today through Thursday to test the nation’s ability to move patients with highly infectious diseases to regional treatment facilities, the Department of Health and Human Services announced today.