Drug Prices

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health today held a hearing to discuss four bills aimed at making prescription drugs more affordable for Americans.
U.S. drug prices are nearly four times higher than the combined average price for 11 other similar countries, according to a report released today by the House Ways and Means Committee.
House Democratic leaders today released the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, a bill that would make a series of changes to the Medicare program in an effort to lower the price of prescription drugs.
Tom Nickels Executive Vice President American Hospital Association September 19, 2019
Reps. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and Larry Bucshon, R-Ind., have introduced the Advancing Education on Biosimilars Act of 2019, which would create federal programs to promote the use of use cost-effective biosimilar drugs.
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce today held a hearing to examine how pharmaceutical companies are putting “profits over consumers."
House Democratic leaders today released the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, a bill that would make a series of changes to the Medicare program in an effort to lower the price of prescription drugs. If enacted, the bill would allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to negotiate directly…
Rebates reduced the growth in Medicare Part D spending for brand-name drugs between 2011 and 2015, but spending for brand-name drugs with rebates still grew by $2 billion or over the five-year period
A recent report from UnitedHealth comparing specialty drug spending in hospitals and independent physician offices fails to account for critical differences between these two settings while also ignoring the chief culprit in the growth in drug spending – the drug companies themselves. 
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar today released a plan outlining two pathways the administration intends to explore to safely import certain drugs originally intended for foreign markets.