

Cyber Threat Intelligence, Alerts and Reports

As part of the AHA’s commitment to helping hospitals and health systems prepare for and prevent cyber threats, we have gathered the latest government cyber threat intelligence and alerts and Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC) reports.

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Cybersecurity & Risk Advisory

Learn how AHA can help hospitals and health systems prepare for and mitigate cyber threats through the expertise of John Riggi, AHA’s National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk.

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The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is sharing the following information with the cybersecurity community as a primer for assisting in the protection of our Nation’s critical infrastructure in light of the current tensions between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United…
This edition of Hacking Healthcare, explores the German Patient Data Protection Act that is under criticism for its approach to cybersecurity and privacy; briefly examines the interesting effect the United States’ naming and shaming of Chinese state hackers is having; and breaks down why DNS over…
This edition of Hacking Healthcare, breaksdown new guidance from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on the legal considerations of engaging in cyber threat intelligence activities; examines the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity’s (ENISA) 51-page report on procurement cybersecurity for…
This checklist is designed as a quick reference for healthcare enterprise management to consider important factors in a teleworking strategy that minimizes downtime and latency while supporting patient care, operational and I.T. security, and supply chain resilience.
Information sharing programs, when done properly, produce significant benefit at low risk for the organizations that participate. This document provides Healthcare and Public Health Sector (HPH) organizations with a set of guidelines and best practices for efficient and effective information…
The Food and Drug Administration said cybersecurity vulnerabilities known as “SweynTooth” could pose a risk to some medical devices, such as pacemakers, glucose monitors and ultrasound equipment, that use Bluetooth Low Energy.
The AHA co-hosted a regional cyber workshop with Nebraska Hospital Association for technical and non-technical hospital and health system leaders to learn about cybersecurity as a strategic enterprise risk issue with implications to care delivery and patient safety.
AHA letter to Senators Rick Scott, R-Fla., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., in respond to their questions on efforts to protect U.S. taxpayer-funded research developed at our member organizations from foreign threats.
This edition of Hacking Healthcare, breaks down a new bill that will expand digitization of health records in the Netherlands. And briefs you on how the United States (US) National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) commitment to supporting their new Privacy Framework is good news for…
This edition of Hacking Healthcare includes a notice from the FDA looking for nominations for the Patient Engagement Advisory Committee, along with an examine the results of a KPMG report on how artificial intelligence (“AI”) is viewed by various industries among other resources.