
Regular surveys and reviews by The Joint Commission will resume this month, the commission announced.
The United States Pharmacopeia Appeals Panel remanded the revised USP General Chapter standards <795> for nonsterile compounding and <797> for sterile compounding to an expert committee “for further engagement on the issues raised concerning the beyond-use date provisions.”
The Food and Drug Administration released a final rule regulating certain protein products, such as insulin, as biological products rather than drugs effective March 23.
The Department of Health and Human Services published a final rule requiring retail pharmacies, which include some hospital-owned pharmacies, to implement a modification to the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs D.0 Standard to identify “partial fill” prescriptions on health care…
AHA today urged the United States Pharmacopeial Convention to delay by at least 18 months the effective dates for its general chapter <797> pharmaceutical compounding and general chapter <800> hazardous drug handling in health care settings, as well as proposed revisions to general…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday released frequently asked questions on new requirements for hospitals to publicly post their charges in a machine-readable format on an annual basis
AHA's comment on the Office of Inspector General’s Request for Information on ways to modify or add regulatory safe harbors and exceptions for the Anti-Kickback Statute and beneficiary inducement Civil Monetary Penalty. 
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The American Hospital Association's comments to the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations for its hearing on "Examining the Impact of Health Care Consolidation."