Community Connections

What is it? Since 1995, Southeastern Regional Medical Center’s hospice program has held Camp Care on the third weekend in May as a way for children experiencing bereavement to find support from a specially trained and caring adult volunteer staff, as well as others their own age who have…
What is it?The First Step Resource Center at St. Patrick Hospital incorporates a children’s advocacy center and an adult sexual assault response team. The hospital coordinates with medical and mental health providers, social service professionals, patient advocates and law enforcement and…
What is it?This not-for-profit, charitable initiative provides free, state-of-the art joint-replacement surgery to uninsured and underserved patients in the Newark area. The program is modeled on the global and national Operation Walk programs founded by orthopedic surgeon Lawrence Dorr, MD, of Los…
What is it?SCMP is a community-based approach to concussion management, partnering with physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, coaches, school counselors, nurses, teachers and families. It includes pre-season cognitive testing to measure brain processing, speed, memory and visual motor…
What is it?Children’s Village is a model of collaborative care with multiple partners providing more than 30 types of health, therapeutic intervention and support services that positively impact outcomes for children. Families register, tell their story once and access coordinated care. Who is it…
What is it?Sadie the Safety-saurus is an interactive teaching tool/robot that was unveiled at a Back-to-School Safety Fair in August 2011. The fair featured presentations and demonstrations on “outside safety” measures such as helmet use, bike safety and stranger awareness. Sadie also makes visits…
What is it?This grant program is for Fondren district homeowners to help them afford home maintenance. Many homes are 40 to 60 years old and in need of significant repair. The homeowner is responsible for 20 percent of the total project cost, which is currently set at a maximum of $6,250. Who is it…
What is it?To grow its own workforce and help Wrangell residents attain job skills, Wrangell Medical Center (WMC) provides onsite clinical training, health career mentoring and financial assistance for education. Who is it for?Wrangell area residents.
What is it?Since 1996, this volunteer-based program has provided the Northwest Arkansas community with services for seniors, including transportation, shopping, chore assistance, minor home repair, community services linkage and friendly visits. Who is it for?Area individuals age 60 and older who…
What is it?This annual event promotes living a healthy lifestyle and features health-related presentations by medical personnel, a complimentary meal, more than 40 health-related vendors, door prizes provided by each participating vendor and raffles donated by hospital employees. There is no charge…