Community Connections

What is it?Punxsutawney Area Hospital’s Amish Outreach Program is a part of its charity care and financial assistance program. The majority of the hospital’s Amish customers do not accept charity care and want to pay for the services they receive, but they realize that health care costs are too…
What is it?Meadville Medical Center helped form and continues to assist in the operation of the Meadville Area Free Clinic, which has provided free primary care in the area for the past 10 years. The clinic treats about 100 people per month at a cost to the clinic of about $30 per visit, including…
What is it?Milagro House is a long-term, education-based residential program for homeless mothers and their children, sponsored by the hospital and Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences. The program is designed to empower women to overcome the limitations of their past and to…
What is it?Aultman Hospital’s trauma staff has been working in the community for several years, mostly with area schools on various aspects of safety tips and injury prevention. For example, staff members take the national “Think First” program to area 10h-graders and discuss brain and spinal cord…
What is it?Aultman Hospital prepares first-graders for a safe summer and lifetime of bicycle riding. In 2005, the first “Safety First” program began. Students are given a new bicycle helmet and a lesson on riding safely. Classes use an activity book to teach tips such as arm signals, which side of…
What is it?Now an umbrella for several programs, Bensalem Ministries was started in 1991 with Mother Bachmann Maternity Center, the only one of its kind in the area that accepts women regardless of their ability to pay. In 1998, the Family Resource Center was established, a collection of programs…
What is it?This community-wide partnership follows a national health care delivery model to mobilize physician volunteers and align existing medical resources to care for low-income, uninsured patients. More than 600 physicians, pharmacists, the county’s four hospitals, local health care workers,…
What is it?Community Connections – an assortment of health, economic, and social programs and services – was developed in partnership with 20 other organizations and governmental agencies. Community Connections includes a partnership with the Chester Upland School District and the Pennsylvania…
Empower your workforce to live healthier with Healthy@Work. Learn about the program's on-site health screenings and wellness initiatives.
What is it?The Tobacco-Free Campus Implementation Team in 2000 (renamed the Clean Air Committee in 2007), representing various departments throughout the system, developed and implemented plans to make MultiCare tobacco-free. In January 2005, MultiCare contacted Franciscan Health System and Good…