Community Benefit

Tax-exempt hospitals are required to publicly report on the ways in which they improve the health of the communities they serve yearly through the IRS Form 990 Schedule H, which is publicly available. In 2018, the most recent year for which this information is available, tax-exempt hospitals…
Beginning in 2018, the AHA contracted with Guidestar to create a file of all Schedule H forms electronically submitted by hospitals to the IRS for the most recently completed tax year, 2018. Using the Guidestar database, as well as AHA annual survey data, the AHA can now provide benchmark reports…
Improving the health of their communities is at the heart of every hospital’s mission. For example, tax-exempt hospitals annually demonstrate accountability to the communities they serve by reporting to IRS on the benefits they provide to their community using the IRS Form 990 Schedule H and making…
The mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and type of ownership, is to care for their patients and communities. In fact, an Ernst and Young report from 2019 demonstrates that for every dollar invested in non-profit hospitals and health systems through the federal tax…
A study published this month in Health Affairs on the charity care provided by tax-exempt hospitals fails to recognize that charity care is only one part of a hospital’s total community benefit, writes AHA General Counsel Melinda Hatton.
The mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and type of ownership, is to care for their communities and patients. In fact, an Ernst and Young report from 2017 demonstrates that for every dollar invested in non-profit hospitals and health systems through the federal tax…
COVID-19 has led hospitals and health systems to develop innovative approaches to engage with their communities to assess community health needs and implement improvement plans. Join other community health leaders and colleagues to share strategies and tactics that have helped advance community…
Congress should consider specifying in the Internal Revenue Code what services and activities it considers sufficient community benefit for tax-exempt hospitals, the Government Accountability Office said in a report.
Improving the health of their communities is at the heart of every hospital’s mission. As one example, in a new analysis released, the American Hospital Association (AHA) found that 340B tax-exempt hospitals provided more than $64.3 billion in total benefits to their communities in 2017 alone, the…
Improving the health of their communities is at the heart of every hospital’s mission. Tax-exempt hospitals are required to publicly report on the ways in which they improve the health of the communities they serve yearly through the IRS Form 990 Schedule H, which is publicly available.