Access & Health Coverage

U.S. spending on health care grew 4.3% in 2016, down from 5.8% in 2015, primarily due to slower growth in spending for retail prescription drugs, hospital care, and physician and clinical services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported today in Health Affairs. Spending growth…
The House has named its conferees to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation to overhaul the tax code that also contains several notable provisions affecting hospitals. The Senate is expected to name its conferees later today.
Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) yesterday introduced the Veterans Community Care and Access Act (S. 2184), legislation to transform the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system and better integrate VA services and community care programs.
The Senate voted 51-49 early Saturday to approve tax reform legislation, which includes provisions that would repeal enforcement of the Affordable Care Act mandate that most individuals have health insurance, eliminate hospitals’ ability to access low-cost capital financing through advance…
Now that our calendars are turned to December and 2018 is drawing closer, working together to advance health in America is more critical than ever. The AHA recently released the 2018 Environmental Scan, to highlight trends in health care for 2018 and beyond. The Scan focuses on several areas:
Health care has been the top issue in Congress all year, and December is shaping up to be no different. The tax reform bills working their way through Congress could mean major changes for America’s hospitals and health systems.
Access to effective and affordable medicines is necessary for public health, social equity, and economic development, but the biopharmaceutical sector is not meeting that need, according to a report released today by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
The National Governors Association yesterday urged House and Senate leaders to take “immediate action” on the Children’s Health Insurance Program. While CHIP is authorized to operate through Oct. 1, 2019, legislative action is needed to continue funding the program, which expired Sept. 30. “CHIP is…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late yesterday released the 2019 draft letter that provides guida
The AHA today submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on the agency's proposed notice of benefit and payment parameters for the 2019 health insurance marketplaces.