340B Drug Pricing Program

Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings last week said it believes that recent payment cuts to not-for-profit hospitals under the 340B drug savings program “will likely weaken their operating performance at a time of already tightening margins.”
AHA today urged the Health Resources and Services Administration to implement without further delay its final regulation on 340B drug ceiling prices and civil monetary penalties for manufacturers.
AHA comments to HRSA regarding proposed rule that would further delay the effective date for implementing final regulations regarding the 340B Drug Pricing Program ceiling price and drug manufacturers’ civil monetary penalties (CMPs) for violations of the ceiling price.
More than 60 patients groups yesterday urged Congress to protect the 340B drug savings program.
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held the second in a series of hearings examining the 340B drug savings program.
AHA Statement before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: Examining Oversight Reports on the 340B Drug Pricing Program
The Department of Health and Human Services, May 14, issued a policy statement and request for information (RFI) on ways to lower drug prices and reduce out-of-pocket costs for consumers.
Another week, another drug industry-funded consultant attempting to divert attention away from the high and rising costs of prescription drugs by attacking the 340B drug pricing program.
President Trump today unveiled his administration’s blueprint to lower prescription drug prices, which also solicits input on potential actions the Department of Health and Human Services may take to improve competition and negotiation and lower costs.
Contact:  Marie Johnson, (202) 626-2351                Colin Milligan, (202) 638-5491