How-to Guide: Prevent Obstetrical Adverse Events

This how-to guide describes the essentials elements of preventing obstetrical adverse events, including the safe use of oxytocin and key evidence-based care components in the IHI Perinatal Bundles: IHI Elective Induction Bundle (Oxytocin), IHI Augmentation Bundle (Oxytocin) and the IHI Vacuum Bundle. The guide describes how to implement these interventions and recommends measures to gauge improvement.

This how-to guide describes the essentials elements of preventing obstetrical adverse events, including the safe use of oxytocin and key evidence-based care components in the IHI Perinatal Bundles: IHI Elective Induction Bundle (Oxytocin), IHI Augmentation Bundle (Oxytocin) and the IHI Vacuum Bundle. The guide describes how to implement these interventions and recommends measures to gauge improvement.