Workforce Data

American Hospital Association content on workforce data and analysis.

Source: AHA analysis using BEA RIMS-II (2007/2016) multipliers for hospitals NAICS Code 62000, released March 2018, applied to Health Forum, 2016 AHA Survey of Hospitals data.
Source: AHA analysis using BEA RIMS-II (2007/2016) multipliers for hospitals NAICS Code 62000, released March 2018, applied to Health Forum, 2016 AHA Survey of Hospitals data.
U.S. States greatly benefit from hospital job creation and spending on goods and services. In 25 U.S. states, 10% or more of the labor force is impacted by hospital employment. A "ripple effect" from hospital spending collectively contributes $3 trillion dollars to the national economy.
Get the latest updates on U.S. hospitals with our 2018 pie chart news. Explore key statistics and trends in hospital types and ownership.
Clinicians are the lifeblood of a hospital. Ensuring that enough doctors and nurses are available to meet patient’s needs is a key public health issue facing hospital leaders. Insights available on this page include the number of doctors and nurses employed in hospitals and current characteristics…
The Fast Facts 2017 data visualizations below utilize a sample dataset from the 2015 AHA Annual Survey. Full data are published in AHA Hospital Statistics, 2017 edition.