State Association

RACTrac State Issues Forum Call - Presentation Slides
February 29, 2008 Medicare Appeals Council decision to remand October 11, 2007 ALJ decision back to the ALJ.
Changing Demographics - Bridging GenerationsThe Georgia Hospital Association \(GHA\), through the work of its Workforce Council,conducted a survey of its member hospitals in the summer of 2006 to assess the status of the hospital healthcare workforce.
SIF Meeting Presentation: Wisconsin PricePoint and CheckPoint: Steve Brenton, Wisconsin Hospital Association
SIF Meeting Presentation: What's Next? Preparing for Future Transparency Demands, Leo Greenawalt, Washington State Hospital Association
SIF Meeting Presentation: The New IRS 990 and Reporting Community Benefits: Mindy Hatton, Senior Vice President and General Counsel
SIF Meeting Presentation: North Carolina's Quality Performance Report: Carole Koeble, MD, Director, Director, NC Center for Hospital Quality & Patient Safety
Increasing Transparency for Patients' Out-of-Pocket Costs - The Alegent Health Model: Matt Hazen, Alegent Health
SIF Meeting Presentation: HCAHPS, Hospital Compare, and Serious Adverse EventsPresented by Nancy Foster, AHA Vice President, Quality & Patient Safety
SIF Meeting Presentation: Greater Cincinnati Health Council's Quality Improvement Website: Colleen O'Toole, Greater Cincinnati Health Council.