State Association

Essential Health Benefits: Benchmark Recommendations and AnalysesEssential Health Benefits: What Have States Deci
SAGRO Winter MeetingPresentations and Handouts from SAGRO Winter MeetingNovember 11-14, 2012Jackson Hole, WyomingPresentations:
Materials from 2015 Winter SAGRO Meeting, November 2015Agenda
General ACA Implementation The Breakaway Affordable Care Act Implementation Guide, August 2013
Dual Eligibles Other ResourcesIntegrated Care Resource Site CMS
Dual Eligibles Integration InitiativesWe have created a dedicated list serve to facilitate networking among the state association staff in the 15 states that were awarded a CMS design contract to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Individuals.
Dual EligiblesIntegration InitiativesState Resources
Delivery and Payment ReformsAchieving Multi-Payer Payment Reform Toolkit for State Policymakers, February 2015
Coverage and Medicaid Expansion: Studies and Other Resources