
President Bush today unveiled a fiscal year \(FY\) 2009 federal budget proposal that would cut an unprecedented 82 billion from Medicare over the next five years, and 7 billion from Medicaid.
The Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor \(RAC\) program is authorized by Congress to identify improper Medicare payments - both overpayments and underpayments. RACs are paid on a contingency fee basis, receiving a percentage of the improper payments they identify and collect.
Health Care Labor Report: Labor activity, trends & eventsFuture Scenarios for U.S. Labor RelationsJanuary 2008
Today through February 15, hospital leaders can preview their initial HCAHPS survey data through the QualityNet Exchange Web site at
The Internal Revenue Service \(IRS\) on December 20 released a final revised version of Form 990 and 16 related schedules. While there are many improvements to the Form and schedules from the June draft, hospitals will need to review these documents carefully to determine which of the schedules…
The Internal Revenue Service \(IRS\) on December 20 released a final revised version of Form 990 and 16 related schedules, including Schedule H, designated solely for taxexempt hospitals.
The guidance offers insights about complying with the new Lobbying Disclosure Act \(LDA\) requirements, using hypotheticals to illustrate how lobbyists and organizations, such as hospitals and hospital associations, that employ or otherwise engage lobbyists might meet the requirements of the LDA.
The Department of Health and Human Services \(HHS\) recently released its report to Congress on value-based purchasing.