
Health organizations meet with President Obama regarding health reform.
Dr. Everett is Section Chief Johns Hopkins Bayview Community and General Psychiatry, Baltimore, Maryland. She is on the faculty of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Mental Health.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Psychiatrist-in-Chief, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Elizabeth Ambinder, BSN, MBA, graduated from the State University of New York at Binghamton with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. She worked as staff nurse and then Nurse Manager Adult Leukemia Service at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Oncology Center.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) late Friday issued its hospital inpatient and long-term care prospective payment system \(PPS\) proposed rule for fiscal year \(FY\) 2010.
Mental Health Advocacy: 'An Amazing Journey' Cascade Healthcare Community, Bend, OR Summary
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus \(D-MT\) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley \(R-IA\) on April 28 released a set of policy options for transforming the health care delivery system to improve patient care and reduce health care costs.
On April 7, the Office of Management and Budget \(OMB\) issued interim guidance to help federal agencies and their employees implement the restrictions on communications with registered lobbyists about Recovery Act funding that were included in the Presidents recent executive memorandum \(…
In this edition: Rival Unions Form New Alliance...