
Hospitals are experiencing a significant increase in audit activity by contractors for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
In the May 11 Federal Register, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published its fiscal year 2013 proposed rule for the inpatient prospective payment system and long-term care hospital PPS.
On June 6, 2012, the Leapfrog Group is releasing the results of their first Hospital Safety Scorecard for more than 2,652 hospitals.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires hospitals to meet specified Conditions of Participation (CoPs) in order to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Pennsylvania facilities submitted 879 medication error reports from July 1, 2004, through January 31, 2011, to the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority involving patients taking their own medications while in a hospital. Categorization of the reports by harm score shows that 77.7% of the events…
The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority and the Health Care Improvement Foundation (HCIF) partnered in 2008 to establish a falls reporting initiative to assist hospitals in their falls prevention efforts. Following the development of standardized definitions for falls and falls with harm, the…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published its fiscal year 2013 proposed rule for the hospital inpatient and long-term care prospective payment systems in the May 11 Federal Register.
HHS and CMS recently issued three final rules to provide the required framework for a state health insurance exchange established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is facing increasing pressure from the president and Congress to reduce improper provider payments in Medicare and Medicaid.