
Media Advisory: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today issued a call to action on antibiotic stewardship.
Webinar: Hospital-based Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility and Enrollment
Each year, the National Patient Safety Foundation, which was founded in 1997 to improve the safety of patient care through inclusive, multi-stakeholder approaches, sponsors Patient Safety Awareness Week.
CMS published in the Dec. 27 Federal Register a proposed rule that would establish emergency preparedness conditions of participation (CoPs) and conditions for coverage (CfCs) that hospitals, critical access hospitals and 15 other provider and supplier types would have to meet in order to…
The Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Dec. 30 posted two notices on their websites announcing additional guidance for tax-exempt hospitals regarding Section 501(r) requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
CMS published in the Dec. 23, 2013 Federal Register a proposed methodology for determining payments to states under the Basic Health Program for 2015.
CMS and HHS Office of Inspector General published in the Dec. 27 Federal Register two nearly identical final rules that extend the regulatory protections for hospitals seeking to provide assistance to physicians in adopting certain health information technology.
CMS published the Medicare physician fee schedule final rule for calendar year 2014 in the Dec. 10 Federal Register.