
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) yesterday indicated he will bring to the Senate floor early next week a Motion to Proceed to a vote on legislation to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act.
Message of the Day - July 18, 2017
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report July 19, 2017
Senate leadership today released the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628).
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report - July 18, 2017
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report July 17, 2017
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report July 14, 2017
On July 13, the CMS released two calendar year 2018 proposed rules: the outpatient prospective payment system/ambulatory surgical center proposed rule and the Medicare physician fee schedule proposed rule.
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report July 13, 2017
On June 20, the CMS issued a proposed rule updating the requirements of the quality payment program for physicians and other eligible clinicians mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.