
A Monthly Report for Members of the American Hospital Association National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report December 8, 2017
The Senate has formally voted to go to conference with the House on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation to overhaul the tax code that contains several notable provisions affecting hospitals (see below). Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY)…
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report December 7, 2017
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report December 6, 2017
The House has named its conferees to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation to overhaul the tax code that also contains several notable provisions affecting hospitals. The Senate is expected to name its conferees later today.
NH-ISAC Daily Security Intelligence Report December 5, 2017
Critical hospital IV solution shortages: FDA and ASPR actions Dec. 5th 1pm ET
Members-Only Webinar:Critical hospital IV solution shortages: FDA and ASPR actionsHeld December 5, 2017
Profiles of Interviewed Health Systems - Compendium: Hospitals and Health Systems Prepare for a Value-driven Future