
House and Senate conferees are meeting this week, including a public meeting on Wednesday, on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation to overhaul the tax code that contains several notable provisions affecting hospitals.
Members-Only WebinarSpecialized Medical Home: Innovative Healthcare for Patients with Spinal Cord InjuryHeld April 24, 2017
  Members-Only Webinar: Medical Device Cybersecurity and the Supply Chain April 11, 2017 
AHA has created a VBP calculator for hospital leaders to assess the impact of the VBP program on their organizations. The calculator is designed so that you enter your hospital's CMS Certification Number; the calculator will then estimate your net VBP gain or loss. The FY 2019 and 2020 Final Rule…
Timely and Efficient Patient Transitions Enabled by TechnologyAHA MEMBERS-ONLY WEBINARHeld on May 12, 2015 Duration: 60 minutesWebinar slides (PDF)
The U.S. Supreme Court Decision: What It Means for the Affordable Care ActMembers Only Conference CallJune 29, 2012
Psych Section Nominations Nominations for the Class of 2017 are Now Open