
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Challenging Local Coverage DeterminationsChallenging Coverage DeterminationsSection 522 BIPA Challenge This process allows certain Medicare beneficiaries to challenge national coverage determinations(NCDs) and l
Governance Practices for 501c3
Legislation and Regulation Regarding Medicare AppealsMedicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement & Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA), Section 521In Section 521 of the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Benefit
Third-Level Appeal Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge If at least $110 (2007 threshold) remains in controversy following the QIC’s decision, a party to the
Level-Five Appeal Judicial Review in U.S.
Fourth-Level AppealMedicare Appeals Council ReviewIf any party to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing is dissatisfied with the ALJ’s decision, the party may request a review by the Medicare Appeals Council.
Second-Level Appeal Reconsideration By Qualified Independent Contractor A party to a redetermination (level-one appeal) may request a reconsideration if dissatisfied with the redetermination.  
First-Level Appeal Redetermination by Medicare Contractors A redetermination is an examination of a claim by Medicare contractor personnel who are different from the personnel who made the initial determination.  
Deficit Reduction Act - Employee Information Requirements
To meet their mission of high-quality health care, America's hospitals must continually adopt innovative clinical and information technology. Adding new technology can reduce health care costs by minimizing complications, reducing duplicative tests and improving outcomes.