
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Joint Statement from the AHA, AAMC and FAH before CMS' listening session on the recent trend of Medicare beneficiaries receiving extended observation care as a hospital outpatient.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, wanted to transform its organization and in turn, transformed its culture into a continuous improvement culture. While the organization had embraced Lean methodology for years, it found that its project improvements were isolated and not always sustained. A…
Abington (Pa.) Memorial Hospital has used everything from screen saver reminders to notes from the chief of staff in its hand hygiene campaign. The result? An improvement in compliance from 31 percent in late 2007 to 84 percent now for the 665-bed hospital. The campaign started with resident…
Article by Brad Gray, ")Does It All Add Up? Flaws in Schedule H community benefit reporting will affect nonprofit multihospital systems") in Trustee magazine, March 2010
Partha Deb Professor of Economics Hunter College and the Graduate Center City University of New York
The Moran Company was asked to examine CMS' approach and determine if it is an appropriate method to isolate documentation and coding from the other factors that could affect the Case Mix Index \(CMI\).
Presentation Slides from the July 14, 2010 RACTrac webinar
Jones Day White Paper - Impact of Health Care Reform Legislation on Employer-Sponsored Group Health Plans