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What is it?This statewide early intervention program focuses on improving literacy, school readiness and family-based learning behaviors. EMHS partnered with MaineHealth to create the program in 2000. It now includes 29 hospitals, 329 health centers and six birthing centers across the state. The…
What is it?Nurturing New Families is a no-cost service that ensures timely visits with new mothers and their babies for early identification of jaundice as well as support for breastfeeding and parenting challenges. Soon after discharge, members of the BirthPlace staff call each new mother to…
What is it?This subsidiary of East Alabama Medical Center is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) and Lee County United Way agency. Working closely with health care professionals, community-based organizations and local communities, the UWC provides services to individuals and families, advocates on behalf of…
What is it?This partnership between Central Valley Medical Center, a rural hospital and a community college provides education for licensed practical nurses (LPNs). The hospital provides classroom space and facilitates the opportunity for clinical experience. Who is it for?Residents of Juab County…
What is it?Healthier Living Workshops are free six-week self-help groups with trained facilitators, designed to help individuals with chronic conditions manage their disease and improve their health. Gifford Medical Center participates as part of the Vermont Blueprint for Health, a statewide…
What is it?Gila Regional Medical Center serves as part of a diverse group of county leaders appointed by the Grant County Commission to serve as a health and wellness planning authority. GCCHC helps coordinate the efforts of the community to fill health and wellness gaps/needs. Who is it for?Grant…
What is it?In 2011, the first mile of walking – or other form of cardiovascular activity – was logged on Sunday, May 29, and continued daily through Labor Day, September 5. After all miles were tabulated, participants with 100 or more miles received the 2011 edition of the “100 Miles in 100 Days” t…
What is it?This program provides intensive behavioral health treatment in the public school setting. Blending education with constant specialized mental health support, the 12-month program focuses on instilling confidence, self-worth and positive coping skills. Students are required to attend…
What is it?The visiting nurse and hospice program incorporates a multidisciplinary team of health professionals able to evaluate and treat patients’ medical, social, emotional, end-of-life and health care needs. Services include skilled in-home nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy,…
This report discusses the strenghts of community disease prevention offers and presents a framework for assessing the value of non-clinical, community strategies on population health.