
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Data suggests that the hospital has a three year (2006-2009) CHF readmission average of 24.2 percent.
Using FOCUS-PDCA, the hospital identified an opportunity to decrease the 30 day readmission rate for heart failure patients. In 2010, the rate for all payer patients was 32.4 percent. Through a partnership with Illinois Hospital Association, the facility implemented Project RED. The goal was to…
An ED case management program was developed to implement tactics focused on reducing ED avoidable ambulance transfers, ED visits and hospitalizations for patients who used the ED more than 10 visits per year. For a defined group of high-frequency patients, interventions by a nurse-led case…
The goal was to eliminate all variances in the clinical process measures to ensure that patients who present with one or more of the four diagnoses under core measures receive 100 percent appropriate and timely evidence-based care.
The medical center experienced a 115 percent increase in behavioral health (BH) patients presenting in the ED when the state hospital and two other local hospitals closed their BH units. In 2008, a separate BH area in the ED was developed to create a soothing and safe environment for these patients…
According to Leapfrog survey results, the hospital's rate of elective deliveries prior to 39 weeks gestation was higher than the national target. In 2009, the hospital's rate of elective deliveries prior to 39 weeks gestation was 25 percent or 78 out of 312 patients. In 2010, it was 10 percent or…
Preoperative/procedure testing for surgical, cardiac catheterization and scheduled C-section patients by the Admission Testing Center (ATC) was taking 2.25 hours on average (and up to four hours) to complete, creating significant patient and nursing dissatisfaction. A four day Lean Kaizen event…
Emergency department overcrowding has created patient throughput challenges with 2012 volume already exceeding budget. Left without being seen rates have been above the 2 percent Premier national benchmark. Time-to-provider minutes also were higher than desired, contributing to the LWBS rate of 3.6…
The traditional behavioral health access model of calling for an appointment which is subsequently scheduled two to three weeks later, leads to prolonged wait times for clients thereby decreasing treatment compliance, staff productivity and population health and increasing organizational and…