
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

AHA today urged the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm a district court ruling that rejected a legal challenge to premium subsidies for lower income Americans in states that do not set up their own health insurance exchanges.
A growing number of hospitals are engaged in community economic development, recognizing the importance of poverty, unemployment, environmental hazards and other social factors in determining health outcomes. This webinar, in collaboration with the Association for Community Health Improvement,…
One in four Americans experiences a behavioral health illness or substance abuse disorder each year. The majority of those individuals have a comorbid physical health condition and may enter care without having their underlying behavioral health disorder addressed. A recent Hospitals in Pursuit of…
St. Joseph Regional Health Center went on a Lean journey to not only save money, but improve the care of patients. In line with its mission statement--to provide excellent health care and promote wellness throughout the community--SJRHC applied Lean principles to its emergency department and…
This case study describes a pilot program to find out the effect that integrative behavioral health services have on length of stay and emergency department visits. The one-year program had an estimated savings of 108 days, saving more than $100,000. It aligned with the Triple Aim's goals of…
A special issue of Health Services Research on “Health Information Technology” is now available.