
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

OSF Healthcare, Peoria, Ill., wanted to improve the care of patients experiencing an ST elevation myocardial infarction. The scope of the original project was to effectively reduce STEMI identification and treatment time, and included three system percutaneous coronary intervention hospitals.
For six months, Brandywine Hospital has not had one central line-associated bloodstream infection. Thanks to interventions learned during its participation with the Health Engagement Network, the team at Brandywine eliminated CLASBIs and is able to maintain that zero rate.
Saint Anthony Health Center, Alton, Ill., took a hard look at data from its cancer program and found opportunities to improve the efficiency and timeliness of the diagnostic and treatment planning processes. Improvement in timeliness of care leads to better patient outcomes resulting in a healthier…
Pekin (Ill.) Hospital used plan-do-study-act with evidence-based practice research, guidelines recommendations from the Hospital Engagement Network and patient feedback to create a care transition program to reduce all-cause, 30-day readmission by 20 percent.
Presence St. Mary's Hospital, Kankakee, Ill., improved readmission rates for heart failure patients across the care continuum by engaging all providers. Hospital providers, cardiac rehab staff and a post-acute-care nurse (a liaison between the hospital, long-term care and home care facilities) work…
Strengthening - Treatment - Outcomes - Patients Elmhurst Hospital Center participated in developing the STOP (Strengthening Treatment and Outcomes for Patients) Sepsis Collaborative to develop protocols to support early detection and treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock in the emergency…
The answer is The question: Where do hospital and care system leaders find resources and tools to improve patient safety, quality, clinical integration, population health, and much more? The Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence website has one section devoted to the second curve of health…