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The University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital recently developed a new breastfeeding program at its Alice T. Miner Women & Children's Center. This program benefits expectant and new parents as they receive education on breastfeeding and experience…
What is it?The “Beyond the Walls” program operates three outreach centers located in some of the most impoverished areas of Bakersfield. Services provided at these centers range from giving food and clothing to the homeless, to preventive health care seminars for individuals suffering from chronic…
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OverviewAultman’s Transportation Outreach program serves the area’s Amish population with non-emergency medical transportation to Aultman hospital and its outlying health facilities. With transportation a particular concern for those in rural areas and others, this reliable and dependable services…
OverviewThe Working on Wellness (WOW) program and its mobile health unit debuted in 2009 and is an important component of providing access to health care and leading the community to improved health. The popular “WOW van” is seen throughout the community visiting schools, community centers,…
OverviewIn 2011, Atlantic General Hospital (AGH) and Worcester County Public Schools (WCPS) began their endeavor to address the health needs of the youngest members of the community by improving health literacy. The following year, the Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy at the…
OverviewThe Diabetes Self-Management Education Program was launched in 2005 to address an overwhelming community need for this kind of education. The program received formal recognition from the American Diabetes Association in 2008 for providing quality diabetes self-management education. The need…
The compendium offers a toolkit on each of the five areas: blood management, antimicrobial stewardship, ambulatory care sensitive conditions, elective percutaneous coronary intervention, and aligning treatment with patient priorities for use of the ICU.
Press Release Statement on the passing of Mike Bromberg, former Federation of American Hospitals leader   Rick Pollack President and CEO American Hospital Association
A health system in rural Minnesota has helped develop an innovative model to prevent prescription drug and opioid abuse. Staff at CHI St. Gabriel's Health in Little Falls, Minn., began researching the issue after noticing that a large number of patients in the emergency department were requesting…