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Northern Westchester Hospital is improving their patients' experience through the Food Is Care program. Established by the hospital's staff, the program first determines the patient's food preferences and dietary requirements before providing fresh meals. Made with 90 percent of locally grown…
Since 2012, the Aiming for Zero program at Northwell Hospital is continuously working to reduce CAUTIs across the hospital's 15 locations. By integrating focused guidelines, uniform metrics, best strategies for prevention and dedicated CAUTI teams, the initiative was able to:
The need for quick assessment provided by burn experts from Lehigh Valley Health Networks (LVHNs) Regional Burn Center (RBC) for providers administering care at sites distant from the Burn Center motivated the technological innovation that is LVHN TeleBurn
The webinar also reviews a case study from Cape Coral Hospital in Florida. The hospital increased patient satisfaction and reaped financial advantages through its new optimal healing environment.
Held September 20, 2016 Join a group of your colleagues for a webinar and discussion. Shastri Swaminathan, M.D., Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, and Sheri Richardt, LCSW, Manager, Crisis/First Access/MICCS, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL, will describe the impact of…
Dr. Swaminathan, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Advocate Illinois Medical Center, Chicago
AHA letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee expressing support for the amendment in the nature of a substitute for H.R. 4365, trotecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act of 2016he P.
Using the Triple Aim framework, hospitals and health systems can effectively address behavioral health issues in the community. This includes: