
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Transforming on the Diverse Representation in Leadership and…
This guidebook offers a section on why investing in communities is necessary for the benefit of the overall health of local populations and in encouraging accountability. The guidebook encourages the involvement of leaders in the local community.
This tool provides the do's and don'ts on the level involvement of the chief executive be in the recruitment process. While the board is ultimately responsible for recruiting and selecting new board members, the chief executive also plays an important role in the process. Including information from…
This pamphlet is an example of an active DEI initiative at a health organization. They clearly define diversity and inclusion, why it's important, outlining their mission and explaining what they do, and identifying their leaders and members. Most importantly, they indicate how they should be…
The AHA seeks hospital and health system trustees to serve on its Committee on Governance and Regional Policy Boards.
David Hyman, DDS, a board director for Hartford (CT) HealthCare, will chair the AHA's 2018 Committee on Governance. Victor Orler, chair of Presence Health in Chicago, will serve as chair-elect and become chair in 2019. The COG is a specialty committee of the AHA Board of Trustees that provides…
The AHA’s 28-member Committee on Governance (COG) helps mobilize trustee involvement in grassroots advocacy and provides input into AHA policies. The AHA seeks hospital and health system trustees to serve on the COG, regional policy boards, and other governing councils and committees beginning in…
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and intrusions pose risks for every hospital and its reputation. While there are significant benefits for care delivery and organizational efficiency from the expanded use of networked technology, Internet-enabled medical devices and electronic databases for clinical,…