Providers with Health Plans

U.S. spending on health care grew 4.3% in 2016, down from 5.8% in 2015, primarily due to slower growth in spending for retail prescription drugs, hospital care, and physician and clinical services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported today in Health Affairs. Spending growth…
More than 3.6 million people selected a 2018 health plan through between Nov. 1 and Dec. 2, including more than 823,000 last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported today. About three-quarters of those selecting plans were renewing coverage and the rest were…
AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to reverse its policy prohibiting pass-through payments to hospitals through the Medicaid managed care system, and work with states and hospitals “to explore how these vital funds can support state payment and delivery reform…
The Department of Health and Human Services is seeking health plan and clearinghouse volunteers to participate in an HHS Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act administrative simplification optimization project pilot. Volunteers will undergo reviews of their transactions for compliance…
Nearly 2.8 million people selected a 2018 health plan through Nov. 1-25, including nearly 500,000 last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported today. About 70% of those selecting plans were renewing coverage and the rest were new consumers. Thirty-nine states…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced refinements to the Medicare Advantage Valued-Based Insurance Design Model for calendar year 2019, the third year of the demonstration program. The model is designed to test whether giving MA plans flexibility to offer…
The CMS on Nov. 16 issued a proposed rule that would update Medicare Advantage and the Part D prescription drug program.
Some provider-owned health plans cover just one market segment (e.g., Medicaid managed care) and other plans offer a full portfolio of products for the public and commercial sectors. There are increasing examples of health care systems and hospitals partnering with provider and commercial health…