Small and Rural

Medicare patients admitted to critical access hospitals for common surgical procedures are no more likely to die within 30 days than similar patients at other hospitals and have lower complication rates and expenditures, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American…
Hospitals, including those participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program, are the true safety-net, not the pharmaceutical industry with its “skyrocketing prescription drug prices and huge profits,” AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels writes in an AHASTAT blog post today.
AHA staff today participated in a White House Convening on Rural Telehealth, which highlighted the essential role of telehealth in reaching high-need rural families and communities. Officials from the Obama administration, state and local government, academia and the practitioner community…
A recent proposal that calls for reducing the benefits of the 340B Drug Pricing Program to curb rapidly rising prescription drug costs is “misguided,” writes AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels in an AHASTAT blog post today.
The rapidly rising costs of prescription drugs is causing significant financial challenges for patients and their care providers. Many groups, including the AHA, are evaluating options for addressing this important issue. However, one recent proposal, which is seriously misguided, would reduce a…
The Health Resources and Services Administration is accepting applications through April 8 for fiscal year 2016 grants to support telehealth services for school-based health centers in rural, frontier and underserved communities. Hospitals may sponsor the health centers and be part of the…